
seSQue Payroll works with two types of accounts:

  • regular - for users reporting for their own business

  • agent - for users reporting on behalf of other businesses

The type of account is selected during the initial setup. Find out more in setting up payroll.

There are two subscriptions for regular accounts:

  • Basic - for single employee micro businesses

  • Advanced - for small business owners

There is one subscription for agent accounts:

  • Ultimate - for accountants, bookkeepers, tax agents etc.

The account type can be found under My Account in the Administration section:

The current subscription details are available on the Subscription page in the Payroll section:

To upgrade/downgrade the subscription plan of a regular account click Edit, then select the new subscription plan and click Save when done:

Note that only one subscription type change, either upgrade or downgrade, is accepted per settlement cycle.

Upgrading to a paid subscription requires a payment method to be selected. If none is available, you can add one by selecting Payment methods from the dropdown menu on the top right corner of the screen:

In the Payment methods page click on the Edit button:

Then click Add card, enter your credit card details and click Add, then click Save when done:

Last but not least, note that Ultimate subscription upgrades/downgrades are disabled for both regular and agent accounts. This does not mean that they are not supported. Feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.

Last updated