
Payslips are a legal requirement for employers in Australia. They must be given to payees within one working day of being paid, in either electronic or hard copy format.

To assist with this requirement, seSQue Payroll provides the ability to generate payslips in PDF format directly from the pay run:

Note that this feature is only available in the Advanced and Ultimate subscriptions.

The generated PDF payslips can be viewed online using the Payslip viewer. They can also be saved locally for subsequent processing (e.g. printing, emailing) or can be emailed to the employees straight from the system:

Note that penalties apply for providing false or misleading information on payslips. To avoid potential issues, always generate payslips after you lodge your pay runs with the ATO. That will ensure the data you provide to your employees is up to date. As a way of enforcing this best practice, we have made payslips unavailable for unlocked pay run / employee records.

Remember to regenerate the relevant payslips if you reopen a pay run / employee record.

Last updated